The Archive department maintains the supervision, preservation and administration of records of archival importance. It keeps the custody, care and management of records acquired and received in the Archives.

The State Archives in Thiruvananthapuram

The headquarters of the Archives Department is located in Thiruvananthapuram, the capital city of Kerala. The State Archives building is a hub of historical research, housing thousands of documents and manuscripts. It also features a reading room where visitors can access these resources for study and research.

Notable Collections

The department collects and preserves a wide range of materials, including:

  • Ancient palm-leaf manuscripts
  • Rare books and documents
  • Colonial-era records
  • Government files and reports
  • Maps, photographs, and private collections

Palm-leaf Manuscripts

These ancient texts, written in Malayalam, Sanskrit, and Tamil, cover topics such as literature, medicine, astrology, and governance.


  • The Central Archives in Trivandrum has a reference library with over 10,000 books.
  • The collection includes old and rare books, legislative assembly proceedings, census reports, research journals, gazettes, and newspapers.

Micro Films

Around 458 micro films that include those acquired from India Office Library and records, London and microfilms prepared under Central assistance scheme from central Archives, Trivandrum, regional Archives, Ernakulam and Directorate of Archives

Records from palaces and temples 

The collection includes Chellam Vaka records, which are records from the Padmanabha Swamy Temple and palace. These records relate to important political events like wars, treaties, and diplomacy.

Get in Touch

Directorate of State Archives
Located at : Nalanda, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala – 695 003
Tele : +91 471 2313759
Office : +91 471 2311547


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